Types Of Natural Hair Textures
Afro-American follicles are typically elliptical or flattened given hair to be curly to coiled. These natural hair texture charts are perfect for those that need a visual on how to know their hair type. What Type Curl Pattern Is This Thanks Hair Texture Chart Natural Hair Styles Natural Hair Types Type 2 Wavy Hair. Types of natural hair textures . Natural hair textures that fall under the 3B and C categories range from beautiful bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews a la the picture above. There are three different hair texture typesfine medium and thick. 2A 2B 2C Type 3 Curly Hair. Like other textures of hair coily hair has three types. And because Type 3B and C hair has a lot more body to it it gets easily tangled and dry too. How to Shop for Products for High. There are four types of natural hair textures. 4A 4B 4C About Hair Types. This texture is also known as type 3B. Wavy curly and coily hair. Each type is further broken down into three categories th...